Terms of Use & Privacy Policy



1. Purpose

1.1. This Term of Use and Privacy Policy ("Term") regulates the forms of use of the Inffinito and Inff.online websites ("Sites"), owned by entities of the Inffinito Group, namely INFFINITO ENTRETENIMENTO E COMUNICAÇÕES LTDA., INFFINITO ART CULTURAL FOUNDATION and INFFINITO EVENTOS E PRODUÇÕES LTDA., ("INFFINITO"), being certain that the following provisions apply to any other website owned by the same entities.

1.2. The rules established in this Term apply to any visual, audio, textual, audiovisual, functional, and related elements, as well as press materials, trademarks, logos, trade names, service marks, service names, and other brands distinctive marks found on the Sites.

1.3. INFFINITO may, at its discretion, share, on the Sites, different contents owned by INFFINITO and third parties, including, but not limited to, texts, audiovisual works, sounds, music, interactive resources, illustrations, photos, Gifs, and others materials. Access to said content by any person ("User") is subject to the observance of all the rules of this Term.

1.4. The User must be over 18 (eighteen) years old or emancipated and fully capable of practicing the acts of civil life. Those who are absolutely or relatively incapacitated must be properly represented or assisted. In this case, parents or legal guardians are fully responsible for all acts performed by those who are absolutely or relatively incapacitated, including those under 18 (eighteen) years of age.

1.5. When accessing and / or using the Sites, the User declares to be at least 18 (eighteen) years old and to have the full and express capacity to accept the terms and conditions of this Term for all legal purposes.

1.6. If the User does not fit the description above and / or does not agree, even if in part, with the terms and conditions contained in this Term, he must not access and / or use the contents provided by INFFINITO.


2. Intellectual Property

2.1. All contents owned by INFFINITO and third parties are protected by copyright, trademarks and service marks, international treaties, and other exclusive rights signed and registered in Brazil and other countries ("Protected Content"). Accordingly, when the User is accessing such content or access links to such content, agrees to observe all applicable laws and any specific and / or additional notices or restrictions contained in the respective content.

2.2. INFFINITO owns all rights related to Protected Content. The Sites also include content or links to access content that has been appropriately licensed by third parties to INFFINITO. The Sites, Protected content and other materials owned by INFFINITO, as well as content licensed by third parties, are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and are not free to use, without prior and express authorization INFFINITO.

2.3. Thus, the User cannot, in relation to the Protected Content and / or any materials owned by INFFINITO and or third parties that have licensed content to INFFINITO, directly or through device, mechanism, software or any other means, for example ( i) remove, alter, interfere, avoid or in any way modify watermark, copyright, symbol, brand or any other sign indicating ownership, including access filters based on territory (geo filtration block); (ii) copy, download, capture, reproduce, archive, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate, display, transmit, appropriate, incorporate or commercialize the Protected Content; (iii) incorporate the Protected Content into any software or hardware application, display or retransmit the Protected Content through them, or make it available through frames or links; (iv) distribute, advertise or develop a business based on Protected Content; (v) use the Protected Content or part of it, in any way, for the creation of derivative works or based on it, such as montages, mash-ups, similar videos and marketing or merchandising materials, among others.


3. Personal Use, Links to Third Party Sites and Passwords

3.1. The Protected Content is intended for the User's personal use, and any commercial use of it is prohibited. Accordingly, the User is not authorized to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, execute, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works or transfer the Protected Content or any of its elements.

3.2. The Protected Content made available to the User may be (i) restricted, requiring the prior registration of the User in the Sites to access the same or (ii) open, without the need for any prior registration of the User.

3.3. The Sites may contain links to websites and / or platforms operated by third parties not related to INFFINITO. Such links are provided for the convenience of the User, and it is certain that INFFINITO does not assume any responsibility in relation to their content or use.

3.4. The producer is the official host of the films on the platform, and all films are in its Vimeo.  Vimeo offers DRM security, a set of technologies that protect the content, preventing its download and any external manipulation.

3.5.  The INFF.ONLINE Platform presents security features directed exclusively to its "reproduction domain," which prevents external access to these links. There are some security features offered, such as Protection with encryption, Protection with password (access to the content only through the specific domain login), Private link sharing (internal platform resource), Display control by region, and specific user id’s.

3.6.  If the User receives a password or a username to access restricted areas and content of the Sites or third-party websites and / or platforms, the User assumes the responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the respective login information, including to prevent unintended use. authorized by them. Any reproduction, distribution, publication, transmission by any means to third parties is prohibited, as well as the use of login information without the express authorization of INFFINITO.

3.7. INFFINITO reserves the right to cancel the registration of the User, at any time and without prior notice, in case it is found that the user practices or will perform any act or maintain or will maintain conduct that (i) violates the laws and regulations federal, state and / or municipal, (ii) contradict this Term, or (iii) violate public order.


4. Privacy Policy

4.1. INFFINITO values ​​the privacy of Users and, thus, has developed the following rules to protect the privacy of Users and their personal data, under the terms of the General Data Protection Law and other laws on the subject.

4.2. The User is aware that he / she provides information in a conscious and voluntary way through the registrations requested on the Sites.

4.3. The storage and use of the User's personal data will be done by INFFINITO by the rules of this Privacy Policy. In this sense, the User who performs the registration on the Sites and / or via social networks declares to agree that such social network shares their registration information with INFFINITO, including email address.

4.4. Under current user data protection legislation, all data transfers/storage are encrypted using an SSL certificate and all APIs communication, hosted on a server with all security protocols.

4.5. INFFINITO declares that, to serve Users, it collects personal information, such as names, addresses, landline, and cell phone numbers, email addresses and social network profiles/accounts, for purposes of improving and content feedback, as well as and to access the User, when necessary, about the use of the Sites, services or product (s).

4.6. INFFINITO will only reveal personally identifiable information collected if it receives permission from the User in advance or exceptional circumstances, such as when such disclosure is required by law or at the request of the public, Federal, State and or Municipal authority in the performance of its function.

4.7. Thus, only in certain circumstances, INFFINITO may disclose Users' personal data, to the extent necessary or appropriate, to government agencies, consultants, and other third parties to comply with applicable law or court order or subpoena.

4.8. The User hereby authorizes INFFINITO to send to his email address, institutional, technical, commercial, promotional and / or informational messages related to the Sites.

4.9. The User may cancel his participation in any of these email lists at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link or another cancellation option that is included in the respective email.

Use of cookies

4.10. Cookies are small text files that can set preferences, depending on your choices on your device when you visit the Sites. A cookie is usually a text file containing an arbitrary unique anonymous identification number.

4.11. We use cookies to personalize the content you receive from the Sites and achieve the following goals.

• Remember your preferences, privacy/consent choices, edition, configuration or chosen language;

• Make navigation more accessible, and allow our pages to be displayed correctly;

• Analyze the performance of the Sites based on anonymous data related to their navigation (for example, pages visited, number of visits, etc.);

• Tailor the advertising and banners you see on websites. For example, if you visit our website and allow us to place a behavioral advertising cookie, you may see one of our ads when you visit a retail website. In this case, the cookie may have been used to adapt the banner you see.

The cookies used on the Sites are designed for our use or by the parties working on our behalf.


5. Child Privacy

5.1. INFFINITO treats children's privacy as mandatory. As previously mentioned, the User must be over 18 (eighteen) years old. Due to the Sites' age restrictions, none of the information contained therein violates or violates any provision of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA). However, if However, if your child under the age of 18 (eighteen) has provided personal information, please contact our customer service so that the information will be immediately deleted from the Site records.

5.2. There may be adult content on the Sites or in content accessible through links on the Sites, including images and/or videos that contain nudity and/or sexual activity that has an embedded 'adult content' notice, and that can only be accessed through full registration.


6. Responsibility for Content Posted by Users

6.1. INFFINITO allows Users to publish texts and make comments on the Sites, and identity falsification for that purpose is expressly prohibited. The User acknowledges that he/she is solely responsible for all content published by him/her on the Sites, exempting INFFINITO from liability related to any claims, losses, losses, and damages caused to INFFINITO and third parties, as a result of the publication and/or sending of these comments.

6.2. INFFINITO does not tolerate and shun violence, hate speech, rude comments against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, sex, age, nationality, sexual orientation/gender identity, or whose primary purpose is to incite hatred based on these characteristics. If the main objective is to attack a protected group, and the content or comment exceeds the acceptable limit, it will be immediately removed from the Sites without prejudice to other measures that INFFINITO may take against the abuse of the User, including the respective blocking of the User, or other legal provisions.


7. Infringements

7.1. The User may not misuse the Protected Content or contrary to the rules established in this Term or the applicable legislation. In such cases, INFFINITO may make any information about the User available to the competent authorities at any time, as well as block and/or cancel the registration and the corresponding access data automatically, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, responding the User is a civil and criminal offender for the acts performed.

7.2. Any practice that may harm INFFINITO's image or violate INFFINITO's and third-party licensors' rights over Protected Content, damage its assets, damage, or interfere with the normal flow of communications with its servers, security, inviolability, and privacy is expressly prohibited. Data stored and transmitted by the same servers. The practice of such acts will result in civil and criminal liability of the offending User, and INFFINITO may make any information about the User available to the competent authorities at any time.


8. General Provisions

8.1. INFFINITO reserves the right to change any aspect of the Sites and may include or exclude features and functionality in any part of them, as well as suspend, cancel or discontinue the Sites, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, at any time. , without any prior notice to Users.

8.2. INFFINITO may change this Term, at any time, at its sole discretion. The User agrees that the use of the Sites, after any change to this Term, will be considered as an acceptance of such changes and full agreement with the conditions of the new instrument.

8.3. By using the Site in any way, the User expresses his full and unreserved acceptance of this Term, as well as the Privacy Policy, for all legal purposes. If the User does not agree with any of the terms and rules set forth herein, he must not use the Sites or access the Protected Content.


This Term will be governed and interpreted by Brazilian laws.

The Central Forum of the District of the Capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro is elected to resolve any disputes arising from this Term and / or the use of the Sites.